Code 1 ASAP with lights and sirens.
Code 2 ASAP without light or sirens.
Code 3 delayed response.
Code 412 doing paper work and cleaning car.
Code 413 haveing a meal.
Alpha unit: Intensive Care Paramadic (travel in a sedan alone.)
Bravo unit: Regular ambulances.
Note that the following codes are broken down into 1a 1b 2a etc but i am going to just do the
number and what the main problem so please do not get teh code 1 with lights and sirens confused with the following.
The following is broken into code 1a 1b etc to give the correct infomation to the units.
1. Abdominal Pains/Problem
2. Allergies/Hives
3. Animal Bites Attacks
4. Assualt/Sexual assualt
5. Back Pain
6. Breathing Problem
7. Burns/Explosion
8. Carbon Monoxide/Inhalation/ Haz Mat
9. Cardiac/Respitory
10. Chest Pain
11. Choking
12. Convulsions/Seizures
13. Diabetic Problems
14. Drowning/Driveing Accident
15. Electrocution
16. Eye Problem/Injuries
17. Falls/Back Injuries
18. Headache
19. Heart Problems
20. Heat/Cold Exposure
21. Haemorrhoge/Lacerations
22. Machine Accedent
23. Over Dose/Poisoning
24. Pregnancy/Child Birth/Miscarrige
25. Suicide Attempt
26. Sick person
27. Stap/ Gun Shot Wound
28. Stroke
29. Traffic Accident
30. Traumatic Injuries
31. Unconciouse/Fainting